Garage & Estate Sale Perspectives: Cristian

Posted October 28, 2016

Garage & Estate Sale Perspectives: Cristian

Meet Cristian, a 22-year-old Austinite who graduated from Travis High School. Cristian has a special tie to the Garage & Estate Sale. Read on to find out why! 
SH: In your own words, describe The Settlement Home Garage & Estate Sale.
Cristian: The garage sale is two things for me: 1) Family tradition and 2) great finds – from ridiculously low-priced name-brand clothing to much needed stereo equipment. Don’t let the words ‘garage sale’ fool you. This place is well organized and it’s easy to move around and about. It’s laid out similar to any large department or big box store, like Target. You have your fine dinnerware in one area, books in another, clothing in another – and even that’s organized in two sections: men and women.
SH: Tell us about why the Garage & Estate Sale is special to you and your family.
Cristian: Well, there’s an important element to the answer of that question: the Settlement Home garage sale typically takes place the same weekend as my birthday. So, since the first time I attended the garage sale, it has always been served as a birthday shopping spree from my mom. She gives me a limit of how much I can spend and then sets me free to search for my treasures. The best part of the whole experience is comparing all my finds with the things my mom and step-dad find for themselves.
SH: How many years have you been going to The Sale? 
Cristian: The first Settlement Home Garage Sale can be traced all the way back to my freshman year in high school. I’m 22 years-old now. I haven’t missed a single one since then. It’s by far one of my favorite events of the year.
SH: Describe the most memorable/crazy/interesting thing you’ve ever seen at The Sale. 
Cristian: There’s always all kinds of weird-looking items you can find – interesting art pieces; oddly shaped-lamps and even tools I’ve never seen in my life. But I think the craziest thing that I’ve seen more than once is someone coming into a particular ‘department’ and basically just swiping the contents of a table or display shelf onto their shopping bag without even looking for what they’re taking or what the prices are. I’ve never experienced a Sunday Box Sale – where you pay $5 for anything you can fit into a box – but I hear that’s crazy, too. Someday I’d like to experience it.
SH: What is the best purchase you’ve ever made at The Sale? 
Cristian: A never-before-worn Pete Miller designer shirt. It had a price tag still attached with a price of $198. I paid something like $5.
SH: What’s on your list to shop for this year? 
Cristian: Probably more of the same: clothes and music-related stuff. This year, I’m also interested in buying some art for the walls in my pad.
SH: There’s a lot to look at when you get inside. How do you get through it all? Do you have a plan, a list, or do you just wander? 
Cristian: I always have a plan. First, head the clothes section. Then I go down the list. This year, music-related stuff will take priority over art. After I check out those areas, I just wander around until my family is ready to check out as well.
SH: What advice do you have for someone who has never been before? 
Cristian: Start early, leave late. Bring the biggest bag you can find to carry your things around in. The bigger the better. And, when your hands get too full, pay for the stuff you already have and then leave your purchases with the fine people at the bag check-in counter. Then go back for more.

We’re as excited as Cristian about this year’s sale and we hope you are, too!